Jan 12, 2012

Potentially my last year of CD'ing..

It dawned on me last night that 2012 could potentially be my last year using cloth diapers, and that makes me a little sad!  Gaby was toilet trained by the time she was 2 1/2, and if that is the same for Emersyn, that would mean she'll be out of cloth by the end of the year.  Well - minus the one night time diaper.  The thought of going from numerous diapers a day to SEVEN a week makes me sad...

At least Mums and Bums will be there for me to get my cloth fix - and even if I'm not using cloth diapers myself, I can always help other women choose which cloth diapers are right for them and their baby, and (I hope!) look at lots of babies showing off their cloth butts!

I know I haven't posted a lot lately, but I'm going to try to fix that :) 2012 is going to be a very exciting year for me as far as cloth diapering goes, and I cannot wait to share it with you all!

While I'm at it - happy 2012 to all my followers!  I hope this year is a good one for each and every one of you!